WASCAL is a German initiative for establish a Centre of Competence in West Africa on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, that will help generate knowledge and develop the analytical capability in the region on climate change and land resources in order to design resilient land use systems. The GRP Climate Change and Water Resources Center of Benin is one of seven WASCAL centers with the headquarters based in Burkina Faso.

The Graduate Research Program Climate Change and Water Resource is one of the components of the program, and is implementd by the laboratory of Apllied Hydrology of the University of Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin in collaboration with other WASCAL centers and German universities.
The Graduate Research Program is other fully funded by the German Government and includes monthly stipend,travel, research project grant. The following are the criteria for students‘ scholarship and continued research support :
– students after admission will be required to maintain a graduate level equivalent to Grade Point Average (GPA) of B or a minimum of B from each course.
– During the course curriculum phase, students will be required to develop a detailed research programme, including the budget, that has to be accepted by his/her supervisory committee, consisting of at least two graduate faculty members, and endorsed by the Advisory Board. During the project/research stage, students are expected to present their progress reports regularly and be evaluated in accordance with WASCAL-UAC Post Graduate School Regulations.

It is a three-year structured program consisting of 6 months of (basic & specialized) courses followed by 12 to 18 months of research work leading to a dissertation and defense. Basic Courses (modules I & II) include Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Applied Physics, Meteorology and Climatology.
Specialized courses (modules III to VI) include Hydrology, Coupled climate systems related to land-use, hydrology, agriculture and policy development and Integrated water resources management (IWRM), climate/hydrological modeling, Climate Change impact, adaptation, and mitigation.
The research component includes proposal preparation and presentation in the first six (6) months of study, field work based on their area of specialization and visits to Germany for specialized equipment and facilities training. The field work can be done in the GRP lead university or at other WASCAL institutions depending on expertise (supervisor), equipment and accessibility to relevant data. Dissertation and defense – Students should submit a dissertation on their research and publish at least one article in a reputable peer-reviewed journal. The defense of the dissertation is done at Université d’Abomey-Calavi before a graduate committee that includes one professor from the German partner university and related professors from the other network universities.

The West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted land Use (WASCAL) is a large-scale research-focused program designed to help develop effective adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change and increased variability. The program strengthens the research infrastructure and capacity related to climate change in West Africa through collaboration of ten West African countries including Benin, with cooperation of Germany. The GRP Climate Change & Water Resource is one of the components of the program and is implemented at University of Abomey Calavi-Benin. Through the present, the GRP Benin is calling for application for its three-year doctoral training program on climate change and water resources for the academic year 2014-2015. The program provides full scholarship to successful candidates from the WASCAL member countries. Potential candidates are invited to submit an application for selection.
Potential candidates are invited to submit.
Obtain a scolarship
The Graduate Research Program Climate Change and Water Resource provides full scholarship to successful candidates from the WASCAL member countries.
Get a high level education
All Students after admission are required to maintain a graduate level equivalent to Grade Point Average (GPA) of B or a minimum of B from each course
Become a real climat project Manager
During the course curriculum phase, students are required to develop a detailed research program, including the budget, that has to be accepted by his/her supervisory committee.